Bash script To Change password of all mail accounts
The bash script given below will change the password of all the mail accounts in a cpanel server. The new password with mail account user name will be saved in to '/root/mailaccounts.txt'.#!/bin/bash - #title #description :To Change password of all mail accounts in a cPanel Server #author :Arun Ghosh #date :20130812 #version :1.0 #usage :./ #notes : #bash_version :4.2.25(1)-release #============================================================================ genpasswd() { tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c 12 | xargs } cat /dev/null > /root/mailaccounts.txt CP_ACCOUNTS=`ls -1A /var/cpanel/users/` for CP_USER in `echo -n $CP_ACCOUNTS` do USER_DOMAIN=`grep -i ^dns /var/cpanel/users/$CP_USER |cut -d= -f2` for DOMAIN in `echo -n "$USER_DOMAIN"` do SHADOW_FILE="/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow" if [ -f $SHADOW_FILE ] && [ -s $SHADOW_FILE ] then cat /dev/null > "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow.tmp" for shadow in `cat $SHADOW_FILE` do NEW_PASS=$(genpasswd) MD5_PASS=$(openssl passwd -1 $NEW_PASS) user=$(echo $shadow | cut -d":" -f1) rest=$(echo $shadow | cut -d":" -f3-) echo -e "$NEW_PASS\t$user@$DOMAIN" >> "/root/mailaccounts.txt" echo "$user:$MD5_PASS:$rest" >> "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow.tmp" done mv "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow" "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow.$(date +%s)" mv "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow.tmp" "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow" chmod 640 "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow" chown $CP_USER:$CP_USER "/home/$CP_USER/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow" fi done done
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