Create BCC of incoming and outgoing mails without knowing the users - MDaemon

MDaemon has a 'Content Filtre' feature which will help you to filtre the emails sending/receinving through MDaemon server. The following screen shots will help you to find this feature.

1. Open MDaemon,
    Security >> Content Filtre

2. You can find a sectip to Add Rules in there. Click the option, 'New Rule'.

3. You can select the condition in the left column and select Approproate actions in the right column.

4. The selected rules and conditions will be shown in the bottom section. You an select the underlined blue line section in the bottom section to add the values to the rules.
Here i have selected the 'To Header' filter. The given screen shot will help you to find more options.

5. Once the values are given click 'Add' and then Ok. You can now verify the settings by sending test mails.

That's it....

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