Change Auto-reply Limit of a Mail Account - Plesk (Windows)
If I enable auto-reply in my Parallels Plesk Panel (PP) email settings and send a test email to that account, I get an auto-response. But, if send another test email, I do not get any autoresponse, i.e., it works only once.
There is a parameter in the "psa" database -- mail_resp.ans_freq -- that defines the daily auto-reply limit for each mailbox, and it is set to "1" by default.
C:\>cd %plesk_bin%
To check the autoreply limit of all mail accounts in the server.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin>dbclient --direct-sql --sql="select concat(m.mail_name , '@' , as mailname, mn_id, r.ans_freq from mail m, domains d , mail_resp r where m.dom_id = and r.mn_id =;"
To set the auto reply value=10 for mail account, where mn_id=xx.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin>dbclient --direct-sql --sql="update mail_resp set ans_freq=10 where mn_id=xx;"
To set the auroreply value=10 for all mail accounts in the server.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin>dbclient --direct-sql --sql="update mail_resp set ans_freq=10;"
If you want to set the limit to zero, give ans_freq=0
If you want to set the limit to unlimited, give ans_freq=NULL