WordPress Upload Error - "This file is too big. Files must be less than 1500 KB in size"


This file is too big. Files must be less than 1500 KB in size


In WordPress, by default Max upload file size is set to 1500 KB.


1. Login to wp-admin

2. Click on My Sites >> Network Admin

3. Settings >> Network Settings

4. You can see an option there to set Max upload file size. Set it as what you wish and save changes. This should resolve your issue.

After the above changes, try uploading once again. If the problem still persists, you have to check the back end wordpress files were changed with these settings or not. Follow the steps given below to verify it.

1. Login to users's wordpress-document root and issue the following command to find the files which containing the entries regarding the Max upload file size.

2. # grep -irl "fileupload_maxk" .

3. Open all the php files listed by the above command and check the file size given in "get_site_option( 'fileupload_maxk', XXXX ) " is changed to newly updated size. If it is still 1500, change it.

Open the files and search the lines which contain 'fileupload_maxk'.
You can see the the number specified for  Max upload file size in that line. File size is specified in KB.

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