# vzctl start <VPSID>
-To start a vps
# vzctl stop <VPSID>
-To stop a vps
# vzctl restart <VPSID>
-To restart a vps
# vzctl status <VPSID>
-To check the status of vps
# vzctl destroy <VPSID>
-To To Delete a VPS. All the data will be deleted, no confirmation, so be careful when using this command.
# vzlist -a
-To list all vps in the Hardware Node
# vzlist
-To list running vps in the Hardware Node
# vzcalc -v <VPSID>
-To calculate the vps resources usage.
# vzctl exec <VPSID
> <Command>
-To execute a command inside the container. Command can be df, ls etc.
# vzctl enter <VPSID>
-To enter into vps
# vzyum <VPSID> install package_name
-To install any package/Software on a VPS from Node
# vzctl set <VPSID> --hostname vps.domain.com --save
-To set the Hostname of a VPS
# vzctl set <VPSID> --ipadd --save
-To add a new IP to the VPS
# vzctl set <VPSID> --ipdel --save
-To delete the IP from VPS
# vzctl set <VPSID> --userpasswd root:new_password --save
-To reset root password of a VPS
# vzctl set <VPSID> --nameserver --save
-To add the nameserver IP's to the VPS
# vzcpucheck -v
-To check current CPU usage/vps. It'll list all vps.