Kloxo Brute Force Protection

As like cPHulk Brute Force Protection in cPanel, Kloxo has also a Brute Force Protection named Lxguard.

Error Log of FTP access at the time of Block

libwrap refused connection to ftp (libwrap=pure-ftpd) from xx.xx.xx.xx
FAIL: ftp libwrap from=xx.xx.xx.xx

You can check the IP block as follows.

1.  Login as admin user in Kloxo.

2. Security >> Lxguard >> Connections >>

3. You can see a search bar there. You can search for the IP xx.xx.xx.xx  there.

4. You can select the IP by marking it and you can enter the button Remove to remove the IP block.

There is also an option for a whitelist the IP.

cPanel - Install ImageMagick

First of all check whether there is a cPanel script for installing ImageMagick available in the server or not. If yes,

# /scripts/installimagemagick
   -This will install ImageMagick automatically.

If not, follow the steps given below to install ImageMagick.

Install ImageMagick

1. # cd /usr/local/src/

2. # wget ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/ImageMagick.tar.gz

3. # tar -xzvf ImageMagick.tar.gz
         -To download the ImageMagick setup compressed file and extract it.

4. # cd ImageMagick-*
    # ./configure
    # make
        -To configure and make ImageMagick from the source.

5. # make install
        -To install ImageMagick if the make process is successfully completed.

6. # make check
         -It will check the installation of ImageMagick. If  the installation completed successfully check will give a positive result.

7. # php -m | grep imagick
        -To check whether the  imagick module is loaded or not.

8. # /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Bind ImageMagick Into PHP

For your new ImageMagick installation to work with your web php scripts, you now need to bind it into PHP. To do this, just follow the steps below.

1. Login to WHM and navigate to the “Module Installers” option under “Software” in the left hand menu

2. On the following page, select the “Manage” link beside the PHP Pecl language option

3. Enter imagick into the “Install a PHP Pecl” field and then click the install button.

4. # /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Note 1:- Put a php info page and verify whether ' imagick ' is loaded or not.

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Note 2:- You can install other php modules using Module Installers. The list of available php modules which can be installed using this cpanel feature is in the following url. There is no need to run easyapache to install those modules listed in this.

cPanel AwStat error - ('/home/{user}/tmp/awstats/awstats.{domain.com}.conf' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.


Error: LogFile parameter is not defined in config / domain file
('/home/{user}/tmp/awstats/awstats.{domain.com}.conf' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.
See AWStats documentation in 'docs' directory for informations on how to setup awstats.

Initial Checking:-

# ls -ld /home/{user}/tmp
    -Permission should be 700.

# cat /home/{user}/tmp/awstats/awstats.{domain.com}.conf
    -In some cases this file will be empty, it will cause the above error. This file must contain awstat configration.


Usually the above error means one of the following ...

1. The /home/{user}/tmp doesn't have the correct permissions, you can fix this withthe following command.
 # chmod 700 /home/{user}/tmp
    -For one user

 # chmod 700 /home/*/tmp
    -For all users in the server.

2. The account has exceeded their disk quota and the awstats.domain.com.conf file cannot be created/updated.
      The stats will not run until the disk quota has been increased for the affected accounts.
You also might have to wait up to 24 hours for logs to run again, or you can force logs to run.

To run the webstats for one account:

 # /scripts/runweblogs {user}

To run the webstats for all accounts in the server.

 # /scripts/runlogsnow

 # cat /home/{user}/tmp/awstats/awstats.{domain.com}.conf
    -Check whether this file is emty or not. The file must contain the configration of awstat. If it is empty there will be some other issues.

Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired(Errno=145)


Table <db/table_name> is marked as crashed and should be repaired(Errno=145)


1. Login to the user's cPanel account which have database error problem.

2. Enter into user's phpMyAdmin.

3. Select the database which has the above problem. The table name and database name will be specified in the error itself.

4. After enter into the database, select the SQL tab.

5. Issue the following SQL command by giving the correct table name and execute by clicking GO.
   REPAIR TABLE <table_name>;

6. Just access the url you are having the problem and verify the result.

How to reset An Account Password in Plesk?

1. Login to Plesk admin panel, https://<IP or domain>:8443

2. Click on 'Domains' option in 'Hosting Services'.

3. Search for the domain you want to change login password. (Let it be example.com)

4. Login to Control Panel of the selected domain.

5. Select Account >> My Profile >> General

6. You can see the account name and an option to change password in 'Panel Preferences' in 'General' tab.

7. Enter a strong password there and Click on OK button to make the changes in effect.

8. Verify user name and password using the given link, https://example.com:8443