w Shows who all are currently logged in and where they are logged in from. It also shows the load average of the server.
who It also shows who is logged in.
netstat Shows all current network connections.
netstat -an Shows all connections to the server, the source and destination ips and ports.
netstat -ntul Shows all the listening sockets.
route -n Shows routing table for all ips bound to the server.
top Shows live system processes in a formatted table, memory information, uptime and other useful info.
# top -u root Show processes running by user root only.
nslookup <domain_name> Query your default domain name server (DNS) for an Internet name (or IP number).
traceroute <IP or domain_name> Displays each host that a packet travels through as it tries to reach its destination. This command is only run by root user.
tracepath <IP or domain_name> To trace the route of a packet to the <IP or domain_name>. This command can run by any user. When compare to traceroute, tracepath has only limited options.
ifconfig -a Display info of all the network interfaces on the server.
ifconfig eth0 down This will take eth0 (assuming the device exists) down, it won’t be able to receive or send anything until you put the device back “up” again.
ifconfig eth0 up This would take eth0 up and available to receive or send packets.
ping <IP or domain_name> ping sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packet to the specified host. It provides a very quick way to see if a machine is up and connected to the network.
hostname Show the system's host name
findsmb Used to list info about machines that respond to SMB name queries. findsmb with noargument would find all machines possible. You can also specify a particular subnet to localize search.
host <domain_name> Performs a simple lookup of an internet address using DNS.
dig <domain_name> The “domain information groper” is a DNS look up tool. This looks up information about
<domain_name> in the DNS.
dig -x <IP> Looks up the address and returns the associated domain name.
dig -t MX <domain_name> TO show MX records of
dig -t ANY <domain_name> To view all the record types (A, MX, NS, etc.).
dig @<dnsserver_name> <domain_name> By default dig uses the DNS servers defined in your /etc/resolv.conf file. We can use a different DNS server to perform the query, specify it in the command line.
whois <domain_name> Used to look up the contact information from the “whois” databases. Also reports IP address and name server of domain as well as creation and expiration dates.
ftp <IP> [port] File transfer protocol. Transfers files to another host (insecure).
telnet <
hostname> Allows to remotely login to a computer. telnet does not encrypt the information it sends. Everything is sent in plain text, even passwords.
telnet <hostname> [port] To connect to a host on a certain port. We can easily check wheter a specifc port on a server is listening or not, using telnet command.
ssh <user_name>@<IP or domain_name> -p [port] Allows to remotely connect to <IP or domain_name> via [port]. Unlike telnet, all the information in this session are encrypted.
scp -r <user_name>@<
IP or domain_name>:<source_file_path> <local_file_path> With the
scp (secure copy) command you can easily copy from and to a remote computer or between remote computers.